The most exciting news I heard today: Danny (Saucedo, the Swedish Idol contestant turned great dance pop singer) will be releasing "If Only You" as his next a duet with Therese Grankvist (of Drömhus, solo career, and Melodifestivalen entry with the Attic)! The original version of the song, with just Danny singing, is on the album, but I can't wait to hear the new version--it should make for a great duet. It'll be performed for the first time this Saturday and goes to radio next week.
News via Popknark at the Popjustice Forums, but you can read also read it as Danny's official site.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
What can I say, I'm not OK

Today's song comes from 2005 and is one of his national final entries (it took sixth, which is good considering it was up against nineteen other songs, but it should have done much better). The original version of "All I Know" was adorable, poppy with a little acoustic guitar influence, perhaps a little rough around the edges but lovable in every way, maybe even more so because of that--it feels all the more real because of it and becomes even more endearing. The summer mix, though, polishes it into...well, perfection.
All I Know (Summer Mix)--as I said, the original has attributes of its own that make it very much worth seeking out (the live version is embedded above); it can't fail to leave you feeling uplifted. This version, though, is a shining shimmering pop song that I wouldn't change a single thing about. The hints of acousticness are gone, replaced by a light dance beat. It'd be perfect for the beach, but much more than that as well. Sometimes the best pop songs are the simple ones that leave you smiling--this is one of them.
I'm not actually sure where you can buy any of Artas's work (recommendations?) beyond through compilation albums which I think you can pick up from here (this mix can be found on an album purchasable here). Even though "Wonder Who Loves You" isn't as good as "All I Know" or "Losing You," if anyone else has more than this song, the original version of it, and "Losing You" (which is pretty great as well) by him, I'd love to hear it. The most recent news I know in regards to him is that he was supposed to participate in Lithuania's national final in 2007 and then was late for the jury and then dropped out.
Next up: maybe an Australian singer.
Monday, July 30, 2007
I'm not the kind of girl who settles for excuses
Ooo, weird!
Back in early May, I posted Nylon's new single "Holiday." Then, in early June, I was surprised to notice that Venke Knutson's latest single was a cover of that song.
Well, it turns out that Nylon's version may not have been the original.
Assuming these charts are right, Latvian (I think) singer Jenny May had a song called "There Should Be A Holiday" making its way through music charts back in January of 2006...and yup, it's the same song! For all I know, there could have even been an earlier version. Does anyone know for sure? I think the song was written by Peter Agren and Janne (or Jan) Kask, who are Swedish (well, at least one of them is), proving once again that Swedes are everywhere.
...and, you know, just to bring it full circle with stuff I've just written about, guess what other group (among others) Peter Agren has written for?
Nu Pagadi!
I swear, the world seems so small sometimes.
This post is really random, I know, but, as I've said before, the behind the scenes songwriter-singer and recycling of songs stuff fascinates me.
Back in early May, I posted Nylon's new single "Holiday." Then, in early June, I was surprised to notice that Venke Knutson's latest single was a cover of that song.
Well, it turns out that Nylon's version may not have been the original.
Assuming these charts are right, Latvian (I think) singer Jenny May had a song called "There Should Be A Holiday" making its way through music charts back in January of 2006...and yup, it's the same song! For all I know, there could have even been an earlier version. Does anyone know for sure? I think the song was written by Peter Agren and Janne (or Jan) Kask, who are Swedish (well, at least one of them is), proving once again that Swedes are everywhere.
...and, you know, just to bring it full circle with stuff I've just written about, guess what other group (among others) Peter Agren has written for?
Nu Pagadi!
I swear, the world seems so small sometimes.
This post is really random, I know, but, as I've said before, the behind the scenes songwriter-singer and recycling of songs stuff fascinates me.
And I'm livin' my life in the dark of your spell

Sweetest Poison--before you turn this off at first listen, remember that I'm not a hard rock fan; there may be a lot of guitars in the verses, but this is not Rammstein. That chorus--sung in English, while the verses are in German--is pure pop, with the girls' voices even being surprisingly sweet. There's actually a bit that reminds me of Phixx's "Hold On Me," though if it it's deliberately mimicking anything I imagine it's something older and more famous I don't know. Sparkling and haunting in just the right commercial way, this song makes me with Nu Pagadi had stuck around at least a little while longer so we could see if they ever equaled it.
Sweetest Poison (Electromix)--I wasn't going to upload this at first--would anyone really want a six minute version of a song I'd just posted?--but that throbbing bassline is just too fantastic to pass up. If you like your electro dirty sounding, you should love this. This version also cuts out most of the guitars and makes even the German parts more approachable, music-wise.
To buy Nu Pagadi's album Your Dark Side, go here (physical) or here (digital).
Next up: maybe an Icelandic singer, or a Kazakhstani one.
I don't hear nothin' but ladies calling
Look, I'm sorry, I wasn't going to say anything about this, but I can't help it. This is completely brilliant.
I was entirely underwhelmed by "Wall To Wall" the first time I heard it--I can genuinely say I was disappointed because Chris Brown showed signs of becoming one of my favorite "I like the singles though I'll probably never buy an album" artist with his first album. Sure, he may be ripping off Usher and Michael Jackson, and sure, he had to mention the fact that he was sixteen in every single he released (what does he do? update those lines in concert?), but "Run It" was fantastic. I love Usher's "Yeah," so I was more than up for someone looking to inherit the title Usher looked like he wanted, that king of the clubs role. "Gimme That" was pretty great as well.
So anyhow, back to "Wall To Wall," the lead single for his second album. I heard it a while ago and was completely disappointed. Then, I saw the video...and suddenly, I loved it. I mean, not only did I suddenly get the song, the video is just so laughably ridiculous--how can you not love it? The choreography is worthy of special note.
Chris Brown may very well be a genius. Just don't take it all seriously--I really think it's like a giant joke. I mean, in the middle of this gothic-styled club stomper, Chris suddenly switches into lovey-dovey slow jam for the middle 8 and begins ascending heavenwards into a ray of light--it's so random, so ridiculous, so "what on Earth?" that I love it. And that's not even mentioning the plot and over-the-top lyrics! Or the flying!
(By the way, watch the video on TV if you can--it sounds and looks a lot better that way, and that's critical for this video.)
Please don't think that I'm saying Chris is providing some deep social commentary or something academic like that--I just have a weird sense of humor that makes me love the elaborateness and ridiculousness of this whole thing.
I was entirely underwhelmed by "Wall To Wall" the first time I heard it--I can genuinely say I was disappointed because Chris Brown showed signs of becoming one of my favorite "I like the singles though I'll probably never buy an album" artist with his first album. Sure, he may be ripping off Usher and Michael Jackson, and sure, he had to mention the fact that he was sixteen in every single he released (what does he do? update those lines in concert?), but "Run It" was fantastic. I love Usher's "Yeah," so I was more than up for someone looking to inherit the title Usher looked like he wanted, that king of the clubs role. "Gimme That" was pretty great as well.
So anyhow, back to "Wall To Wall," the lead single for his second album. I heard it a while ago and was completely disappointed. Then, I saw the video...and suddenly, I loved it. I mean, not only did I suddenly get the song, the video is just so laughably ridiculous--how can you not love it? The choreography is worthy of special note.
Chris Brown may very well be a genius. Just don't take it all seriously--I really think it's like a giant joke. I mean, in the middle of this gothic-styled club stomper, Chris suddenly switches into lovey-dovey slow jam for the middle 8 and begins ascending heavenwards into a ray of light--it's so random, so ridiculous, so "what on Earth?" that I love it. And that's not even mentioning the plot and over-the-top lyrics! Or the flying!
(By the way, watch the video on TV if you can--it sounds and looks a lot better that way, and that's critical for this video.)
Please don't think that I'm saying Chris is providing some deep social commentary or something academic like that--I just have a weird sense of humor that makes me love the elaborateness and ridiculousness of this whole thing.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
You could have it, all the beauty, the power

End Of Love--I'm really sorry, but this is only a low quality version of the song. Finland drives me crazy music purchasing wise; it's one of those countries that not only do I not know anywhere to buy digital downloads from, I don't know any stores selling actual physical Finnish CDs. The way things are going, though, I'm going to have to find somewhere to buy Anna's CD when it comes out, not only for the music but because I need to know who wrote this song (and the others, I expect; I think it was written by a member of Finnish group the Crash, but I'm not sure). Anna is part Portuguese, so there have been implications that she'll be playing to a Latin part of her heritage in music and she's also expressed an interest in R&B music. When I heard "pop fused with R&B and Latin music," I didn't get particularly excited--that's not exactly at the top of my list of desired musical combinations--but apparently I should have. "End Of Love" must be one of the most unusual mainstream pop offerings from an Idol contestant immediately after the contest. Don't let that sort of cabaret-esque jazzy opening throw you--keep listening and you'll still hear unusual playing with rhythm and effects, but all in the service of interesting and great pop music. In fact, it's the sort of song I'm having difficulty describing, but trust me, take a listen. It's rare that anyone, let alone an Idol contestant, releases a song like this, especially one that manages to have such a solid pop appeal that it wins even me over. Though they don't actually sound similar, I still feel the need to say this: I have no patience for Katharine McPhee's "Love Story" (though I loved "Over It"), but throwback-sounding music can be done and done well, as "End Of Love" shows.
Ivory Tower (Clip)--this is only a snippet of a song, but since Anna is rotating songs on and off her MySpace on a weekly basis, I'm posting this here so that people can hear it after August 1. While "End Of Love" may have somewhat of a hidden chorus, one that sneaks up on you, "Ivory Tower"'s chorus is very obvious and very good; I can see myself having quite the hot and heavy love affair with it for a few days. The meaning of lyrics doesn't really matter to me in most cases, but how they sound--the meaning it sounds like they have, how they fit with the rhythm--does, and this song shows exactly what I mean by that (as does "End Of Love"). I cannot wait for her album (due out August 22, I think), even if only to get my hands on the full version of this song.
As I said, I don't know any Finnish music stores; if anyone else does, please let me know! Since I can't link you to those, I'll point you in the direction of Anna Abreu's MySpace instead.
Next up: maybe that Icelandic singer.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
We got that "you hang up," "no you hang up" kinda love
Some mini-news flashes:
Blake Lewis is, according to Chris Richardson, "doing his [Blake's] ’80s pop" for his upcoming album (Chris has apparently done some writing with him). Sounds potentially promising--the '80's pop-inspired part, I mean.
Swedish singer Peter Jöback has a new single out called "Stockholm i natt." I've known about it for a few days, but I think, given that it's a ballad in Swedish, it just doesn't quite connect with me, or maybe it'll take some time to grow (Sonja Aldén's Melodifestivalen entry had to). However, for my money, if you want a song with "i natt" in the title, you're better off with Niclas Wahlgren's "I Natt (Part Two)." Yes, it is more older person/MOR sounding, but I really like it. More upbeat than "Stockholm i natt," too.
Month old news at this point, but Danish singer Natasja sadly passed away in a car accident in Jamaica. I've never been too fond of her music--it's dancehall sort of stuff--but she was very close friends with Karen Mukupa (they were in a duo together in the '90's), whose work I do enjoy and have featured before. Mukupa was in the car with her, but is, as far as I know, fine. My condolences go out to Natasja's family and friends.
Shayne Ward mania is taking me over. I love "If That's OK With You" and, in search of any of his new material (because, let's face it, you can only listen to "No Promises" and "Next To Me" so many times; his debut album didn't exactly give you countless listening options), I've been listening to a live performance of another of his new songs "You Hang Up."
It sounds different than I would have expected given the Digital Spy review of the album sampler (it's surely the mentioned "track 4"), but I really like it. And I love that quoted lyric--I could walk around "singing" it all day. And speaking of Shayne, go read the hilarious banterview about him over at Chart Rigger.
Blake Lewis is, according to Chris Richardson, "doing his [Blake's] ’80s pop" for his upcoming album (Chris has apparently done some writing with him). Sounds potentially promising--the '80's pop-inspired part, I mean.
Swedish singer Peter Jöback has a new single out called "Stockholm i natt." I've known about it for a few days, but I think, given that it's a ballad in Swedish, it just doesn't quite connect with me, or maybe it'll take some time to grow (Sonja Aldén's Melodifestivalen entry had to). However, for my money, if you want a song with "i natt" in the title, you're better off with Niclas Wahlgren's "I Natt (Part Two)." Yes, it is more older person/MOR sounding, but I really like it. More upbeat than "Stockholm i natt," too.
Month old news at this point, but Danish singer Natasja sadly passed away in a car accident in Jamaica. I've never been too fond of her music--it's dancehall sort of stuff--but she was very close friends with Karen Mukupa (they were in a duo together in the '90's), whose work I do enjoy and have featured before. Mukupa was in the car with her, but is, as far as I know, fine. My condolences go out to Natasja's family and friends.
Shayne Ward mania is taking me over. I love "If That's OK With You" and, in search of any of his new material (because, let's face it, you can only listen to "No Promises" and "Next To Me" so many times; his debut album didn't exactly give you countless listening options), I've been listening to a live performance of another of his new songs "You Hang Up."
It sounds different than I would have expected given the Digital Spy review of the album sampler (it's surely the mentioned "track 4"), but I really like it. And I love that quoted lyric--I could walk around "singing" it all day. And speaking of Shayne, go read the hilarious banterview about him over at Chart Rigger.
Blake Lewis,
Niclas Wahlgren,
Peter Jöback,
Shayne Ward
Let's not be so serious
Don't you love that bubbling over feeing that comes when you discover an artist you'd never heard of before but instantly can feel will be a staple of your music listening? Not necessarily your top artist ever, but one you know you're going to enjoy greatly, so much so that you just can't wait to start delving into everything they've done?
And then, then, when you start investigating a little further, looking at writing credits, investigating what else those writers have done, and suddenly pieces of the pop world start to come together? One singer leads to a songwriter who leads to another singer you liked and other songwriters you'll probably like and other singers you've never heard of but instantly like, and it's as if you've set off a chain reaction that lights up a corner of the pop universe, and you realize that, as much fun as you're having discovering things, there are infinite connections out there, infinite new singers and songwriters to discover...but it's sort of like you've managed to form the corner of a can see connections you never envisioned and they simultaneously reshape and enhance your perception of the behind-the-scenes working of the pop industry while also invigorating you to go out and discover more?

That's how I felt when I discovered Latvian singer Ladybird. I'd be tempted to say there's something in the water in Latvia since, though I don't know a bunch of Latvian artists, the few I do know are real gems, but I think a lot of the success of their material comes from them stealing songwriters from other countries--mainly the Scandinavian and Nordic ones. I swear that's not me being Sweden-biased (nor are they all from Sweden, though most are); there's just an incredible amount of talent there.

There were a lot of generalities in those statements, so let's get specific for a moment and take one particular example. One of the great songs on Ladybird's debut album Nightvision is called "Move On Automatic." There are three songwriters listed for this song, but one of them is Lisa Lindebergh. Lisa is Swedish and has released two albums of her own, including some great songs (Catchy Tunes Of Sweden posted "One Week" from her debut album and the preview clips for her second album sounded so great I had to instantly buy it) and some songs that would later be covered by Dutch singer Sita (including "My Kitchen," one of my favorite of Sita's songs, even if it does have a metaphor best not thought about too deeply; it's gorgeous). She's also done writing for Peter Jöback, Shebang, L5, Mandy Moore, and Bec Cartwright.
Now, think about all that for a moment. One of three songwriters for one song on one artist's twelve track album reveals connections among artists you like that you'd never known existed and introduces you to brand new artists for you to investigate, each of those with their own sets of songwriters which you can further investigate, and each writer usually with their own affiliated company and therefore larger stable of writers to discover. And what happens when you move onto investigating the second of those three songwriters for that one song? Or a new song entirely? The pop universe just suddenly seems so huge, but with hidden dark threads connecting it all. How can that not be incredibly exhilarating for any music lover?
I'll probably be raiding songwriters' back catalogues for weeks, so expect that--there will be a lot of connections between the people you see cropping up here.
The excitement of the hunt, new discoveries, making connections--I swear, it's stuff like this I live for. I don't think I can really get across in words how exciting it is.
Move On Automatic--keeping this brief, given how much I just had to say, this is a light cute simple pop song, easily listened to and enjoyed. Will it change your world? Probably not, but you should have a great time listening to it. It's a little "old school pop," if that makes sense; more on the "pure pop" side of things, I guess. It was also released (slightly earlier, I think, making Ladybird's version the cover) under the name "Automatic" by Finnish girl group I'Dees. I think we might also be able to say that, at least in this incarnation, the song was influenced by the same song that influenced Janne's "Remember," although maybe not quite as obviously; probably influenced by the same singer, at least, which has no doubt helped her become a (the?) Latvian pop princess.
Because I really want to share my enthusiasm for, if nothing else, Ladybird, here's another song of hers to listen to through a live (or "live") performance, "Next Level." Given my excitement, I'll probably end up posting it in a few days, but it's here for you to listen to in this way now (wait for the chorus).
Oh, and incidentally, apparently Ladybird did a photoshoot with someone who styled Keira Knightley. I think that's really obvious in this picture, no?

You can buy Ladybird's albums in loads of places; for example, they're for sale at 7Digital and Medion Music as mp3s and in all countries' iTunes stores. You can also pick up her album Nightvision here (physical). Since she's literally a brand new discovery for me, I'll refrain on too many recommendations for right now, except to say that she's probably most famous for "Dangerous To Me," which is worth a listen (it tends to draw a lot of "Can't Get You Out Of My Head"-ripoff comparisons), but I'd recommend "Don't Stop" from 5 Moods (it's very catchy in a very approachable way) and "Next Level" from Nightvision instead.
Next up: maybe that Icelandic singer.
And then, then, when you start investigating a little further, looking at writing credits, investigating what else those writers have done, and suddenly pieces of the pop world start to come together? One singer leads to a songwriter who leads to another singer you liked and other songwriters you'll probably like and other singers you've never heard of but instantly like, and it's as if you've set off a chain reaction that lights up a corner of the pop universe, and you realize that, as much fun as you're having discovering things, there are infinite connections out there, infinite new singers and songwriters to discover...but it's sort of like you've managed to form the corner of a can see connections you never envisioned and they simultaneously reshape and enhance your perception of the behind-the-scenes working of the pop industry while also invigorating you to go out and discover more?

That's how I felt when I discovered Latvian singer Ladybird. I'd be tempted to say there's something in the water in Latvia since, though I don't know a bunch of Latvian artists, the few I do know are real gems, but I think a lot of the success of their material comes from them stealing songwriters from other countries--mainly the Scandinavian and Nordic ones. I swear that's not me being Sweden-biased (nor are they all from Sweden, though most are); there's just an incredible amount of talent there.

There were a lot of generalities in those statements, so let's get specific for a moment and take one particular example. One of the great songs on Ladybird's debut album Nightvision is called "Move On Automatic." There are three songwriters listed for this song, but one of them is Lisa Lindebergh. Lisa is Swedish and has released two albums of her own, including some great songs (Catchy Tunes Of Sweden posted "One Week" from her debut album and the preview clips for her second album sounded so great I had to instantly buy it) and some songs that would later be covered by Dutch singer Sita (including "My Kitchen," one of my favorite of Sita's songs, even if it does have a metaphor best not thought about too deeply; it's gorgeous). She's also done writing for Peter Jöback, Shebang, L5, Mandy Moore, and Bec Cartwright.
Now, think about all that for a moment. One of three songwriters for one song on one artist's twelve track album reveals connections among artists you like that you'd never known existed and introduces you to brand new artists for you to investigate, each of those with their own sets of songwriters which you can further investigate, and each writer usually with their own affiliated company and therefore larger stable of writers to discover. And what happens when you move onto investigating the second of those three songwriters for that one song? Or a new song entirely? The pop universe just suddenly seems so huge, but with hidden dark threads connecting it all. How can that not be incredibly exhilarating for any music lover?
I'll probably be raiding songwriters' back catalogues for weeks, so expect that--there will be a lot of connections between the people you see cropping up here.
The excitement of the hunt, new discoveries, making connections--I swear, it's stuff like this I live for. I don't think I can really get across in words how exciting it is.
Move On Automatic--keeping this brief, given how much I just had to say, this is a light cute simple pop song, easily listened to and enjoyed. Will it change your world? Probably not, but you should have a great time listening to it. It's a little "old school pop," if that makes sense; more on the "pure pop" side of things, I guess. It was also released (slightly earlier, I think, making Ladybird's version the cover) under the name "Automatic" by Finnish girl group I'Dees. I think we might also be able to say that, at least in this incarnation, the song was influenced by the same song that influenced Janne's "Remember," although maybe not quite as obviously; probably influenced by the same singer, at least, which has no doubt helped her become a (the?) Latvian pop princess.
Because I really want to share my enthusiasm for, if nothing else, Ladybird, here's another song of hers to listen to through a live (or "live") performance, "Next Level." Given my excitement, I'll probably end up posting it in a few days, but it's here for you to listen to in this way now (wait for the chorus).
Oh, and incidentally, apparently Ladybird did a photoshoot with someone who styled Keira Knightley. I think that's really obvious in this picture, no?

You can buy Ladybird's albums in loads of places; for example, they're for sale at 7Digital and Medion Music as mp3s and in all countries' iTunes stores. You can also pick up her album Nightvision here (physical). Since she's literally a brand new discovery for me, I'll refrain on too many recommendations for right now, except to say that she's probably most famous for "Dangerous To Me," which is worth a listen (it tends to draw a lot of "Can't Get You Out Of My Head"-ripoff comparisons), but I'd recommend "Don't Stop" from 5 Moods (it's very catchy in a very approachable way) and "Next Level" from Nightvision instead.
Next up: maybe that Icelandic singer.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Vil tiden lege mine sår, nå...

Hater å elske deg--I think this title translates to "Hating and loving you," or something roughly along those lines. Possibly more important than what the lyrics actually translate to (although that sort of conflicted love would be very fitting with trance, if that is the right translation), is how catchy this song is. A lot of that does come from the trance music backing her up, but Dina, though not exactly bearing the sort of voice that causes you to instantly think "oh, that's her!," does have more personality and strength in her delivery than I think she's given credit for. Let's face it: you're probably not coming to trancey dance music in a foreign language for deep emotional truths, but Dina somehow manages to make what she's singing sound meaningful while still not distracting from the basic catchiness of the music--just meaningful enough to give it that little added punch and keep it in your brain.
I'm not actually sure where you can buy Dina's debut album Dina, unless you have access to iTunes Norway, but hopefully her releasing material in Sweden (even if it flops) will lead to either a new album or her debut album becoming easier to get ahold of. As far as I know, the last truly new material she released was in 2005 (not even a full album then), so we should be due for something new...fingers crossed.
Next up: probably that Icelandic singer.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
It's like thunder, lightning

Knock On Wood--completely classic. Completely catchy. And completely smile-inducing. This is one of those "weekend" songs, for me, you know? The sort of celebratory songs that just make you realize "yes, the weekend is finally here!" As I said, every time a singing contest TV show has disco night, someone should be required to sing this version of the song. I know, that means it could potentially be slaughtered countless times, but I don't think even that could ever make me sick of it; the music is just too good. Apparently Amii is Sinitta's aunt--the world of pop seems so small sometimes, doesn't it? She appeared at this year's Sanremo Festival (which Italy participates in instead of Eurovision), too.
Criminally, "Knock On Wood" as sung by Amii Stewart isn't available on iTunes in the U.S., but you can buy one of her greatest hits albums here (physical).
Speaking of catchy and upbeat, Mika is singing "Love Today" on So You Think You Can Dance right now. See, Enrique, you're supposed to have fun on this show. Ebullience! I still really enjoy a lot of the songs on Mika's album, so stuff like this is extra exciting.
Next up: an Icelandic singer who's latest single I originally didn't think I'd end up writing about.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
I don't wanna waste another day, I don't wanna throw it all away

Million Miles Away--this uptempo song, perhaps unsurprisingly for something for a Swedish artist, has a great catchy chorus. I always get fuzzy with genres, so I could be totally wrong on this, but I sort of see it as being in between pop and schlager; though I'd put the emphasis on the "pop" part of the equation, I think you can hear influence by schlager or maybe just another sort of music. Whatever you want to call it, it's great--arguably "by the numbers," but when said supposed numbers yield such enjoyable results, that can't possibly be a complaint.
To buy Charlotte Perrelli's 2004 album, Gone Too Long, go here (physical).
Next up: maybe another Swedish singer.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Todo el mundo canta

Hot Summer Night (Oh La La La)--if I didn't know better, I'd say this was trying to rip off "Summerlove"--there are moments you're sure it's actually going to turn into it--but it's apparently a cover of 2 Eivissa's "Oh La La La." Why this song is even credited to David, I'm not sure; the female and male backing singers probably do more work than him. Like "Summerlove," the song drips with summer, but it's a chilled nostalgia-tinged summer; even if lyrically this song isn't actually about the past (as "Summerlove" is), it sounds like it is. Dreamy, summery, and not hookless as I originally thought (the hook just mainly comes from the female singer's "oh la la la"s, which you also get in the original version of the song), "Hot Summer Night" still isn't as good as "Summerlove," but it's an acceptable followup, even if we might have hoped for an original song...and, even if it does sound reminiscent of "Summerlove" while simultaneously making you wish for "Summerlove," maybe that just intensifies that underlying musical nostalgia...nah, that's probably giving him too much credit.
(By the way, I've also seen this song credited to "David Tavaré feat. 2 Eivissa.")
You can buy David Tavaré's second single "Hot Summer Night (Oh La La La)" here (physical), but I very much recommend picking up his debut single "Summerlove" (it's hypnotizingly summery), which you can get on last year's Disco Estrella (physical) or here (digital) or from iTunes, regardless of country; for example, if you live in the U.S., go here.
Next up: maybe a Swedish singer.
I bet you don't, don't even know my favorite song
The worst news I've heard all day:
"The third album may be more ballad-oriented."
-Anthony Callea in an interview with the Herald Sun (talking to Cameron Adams)
OK, I will grant that "Rain" is a good song and I even enjoy a couple of the other ballads from his debut album, but he can't do that! Not that I'm surprised, really, but still. Sigh. I do love him in pop-rock mode (I really need to post "Almost" or "Stranded" at some point), but I still harbor some faint hopes of him doing more dance-pop someday...c'mon, Anthony, you like Kylie Minogue's music and you've already teased us with "Into Your Heart," "Wanna Be The One" and your cover of "Angel." Or, failing that, keep making pop-rock and get Jewels & Stone to remix your singles like they did for fellow Australian Stephanie McIntosh's "Mistake" or get a Kate DeAraugo "Faded (Reactor Mix)" equivalent.
I can dream, right?
The worst news I've heard all day:
"The third album may be more ballad-oriented."
-Anthony Callea in an interview with the Herald Sun (talking to Cameron Adams)
OK, I will grant that "Rain" is a good song and I even enjoy a couple of the other ballads from his debut album, but he can't do that! Not that I'm surprised, really, but still. Sigh. I do love him in pop-rock mode (I really need to post "Almost" or "Stranded" at some point), but I still harbor some faint hopes of him doing more dance-pop someday...c'mon, Anthony, you like Kylie Minogue's music and you've already teased us with "Into Your Heart," "Wanna Be The One" and your cover of "Angel." Or, failing that, keep making pop-rock and get Jewels & Stone to remix your singles like they did for fellow Australian Stephanie McIntosh's "Mistake" or get a Kate DeAraugo "Faded (Reactor Mix)" equivalent.
I can dream, right?
If you've been all strung out, then you know exactly how I feel
We all know I love guitars, right? I mean, McFly, the Click Five, Jamie Meyer--I love a good pop-rock song and there are even some rock songs I like. That said, if there was ever a case for all songs being made as Europop and guitars being abandoned entirely, I think this is it.
(You don't actually have to watch the video, or even listen to more than a few seconds of the actual music--it's mainly just about hearing the gist of it.)
And you know what makes it worse? That version of "Dragostea din tei" (called "Sugar Tunes Numa Numa") was actually created by Dan Bălan, ex-O-Zone member and the guy who composed the original. If, for some reason, you should want to purchase it, it's available on iTunes.
While I'm embedding videos, a while ago the video for Australian singer Eran James's single "Touched By Love" debuted, but I couldn't post it as it wasn't actually on YouTube. Now it is. I really like this soul-influenced pop song--one of those feel-good sort of songs. It's been available on Australian iTunes for a while now, but I think technically it's not out yet (his official site says August 10 for this single and August 25 for the album, Ten Songs About Love). Anyhow, Eran James, "Touched By Love"--I don't even usually fall for songs like this, but I've been enjoying this one (albeit via MySpace) for months now. I think if I heard it on the radio often, that would fade away pretty quickly and it'll win no cool points, but sometimes songs you shouldn't or wouldn't usually like come along and catch your attention.
(You don't actually have to watch the video, or even listen to more than a few seconds of the actual music--it's mainly just about hearing the gist of it.)
And you know what makes it worse? That version of "Dragostea din tei" (called "Sugar Tunes Numa Numa") was actually created by Dan Bălan, ex-O-Zone member and the guy who composed the original. If, for some reason, you should want to purchase it, it's available on iTunes.
While I'm embedding videos, a while ago the video for Australian singer Eran James's single "Touched By Love" debuted, but I couldn't post it as it wasn't actually on YouTube. Now it is. I really like this soul-influenced pop song--one of those feel-good sort of songs. It's been available on Australian iTunes for a while now, but I think technically it's not out yet (his official site says August 10 for this single and August 25 for the album, Ten Songs About Love). Anyhow, Eran James, "Touched By Love"--I don't even usually fall for songs like this, but I've been enjoying this one (albeit via MySpace) for months now. I think if I heard it on the radio often, that would fade away pretty quickly and it'll win no cool points, but sometimes songs you shouldn't or wouldn't usually like come along and catch your attention.
Monday, July 23, 2007
This word I'm dropping
I love Ben Adams's music. There used to be pretty frequent updates on what he was doing included as asides on this blog, but eventually there are only so many times you can say "Ben Adams has put up some new photographs of himself. When will we ever get to hear his album? At least he rotates songs on his MySpace fairly frequently." Well, with Ben having just engaged in a web chat sort of thing, here are a few things going on related to Ben Adams (some fairly old):
- Ben's holding auditions for a girl band. No other real details that I know of, but it's in progress, and the final result will probably be "quirky."
- The album that we've been waiting for is completed (probably no surprise there), but, given that he's no longer with BMG, he's working on a new one instead. However, in regards to that earlier album, he's "looking at ways to put it out maybe over the internet" (YES, PLEASE DO THIS...unless he ends up finding some way to put some old songs on the new album and wants to do that instead).
- In response to if it's his voice in the background of Sergey Lazarev's "Fake" (which Mobius pointed out a while ago): "i think most of his album is my voice unfortunately, but i wrote most of it and it stayed number one in russia for quite some time last year, so it's not all bad." (Incidentally, both Ben and another former a1 member, Mark Read, do some backing vocals on Sergey's latest album.)
- He's owner of his own studio now.
- ...and yes, he does have some new photos up.
Give me a memory to carry for life
Guess what! I've finally got myself a account (well, I did a few days ago, but it was sort of behind the scenes; I waited a few days so that the charts would be vaguely accurate before "going public") much statistical value it'll have is questionable, given that I tend to listen to whatever I'm planning to write about (and while I'm writing about it) a lot, but I just couldn't resist. Can MySpace be far behind?
Anyhow, if you've got an account, I'd love to hear from you/be friended!
(Find me here)
Anyhow, if you've got an account, I'd love to hear from you/be friended!
(Find me here)
How will you do without, now that you sold me out

Money (Greedy Honey)--though that bassline on "Disco Mamazida" is ridiculously hooky, I think maybe the reason I prefer this song (by a smidge) is the vocal melody. Not that it's something crazy revolutionary, but it just sounds like there was more effort put into it. The song is very poppy, very danceable, and very catchy, a tell-off to the the money-obsessed boy she's leaving behind.
To buy Sofia Zida's album Disco Mamazida, go here (digital). It's also available in all iTunes stores except the U.S.. Does anyone have any recommendations for stores to buy actual Finnish CDs from?
Next up: maybe a Swedish singer.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
I'm stressin' out, stressin' out
Knockout--unlike many boy bands, Triple 8 weren't afraid of big chunky guitar riffs, and this song definitely has them. Of course, they also seemed to be under the impression that they were somehow "street" (that should really be read as "we make music that's a little edgier than your typical boy band fare), but that shouldn't really be held against them, especially when it leads to songs with as much punch as "Knockout."
To buy Triple 8's single "Knockout," go here (physical) or here (digital).
Next up: see you all on Monday, probably with a Swedish or Finnish singer.
Friday, July 20, 2007
It's heaven compared to what I had

Alone--this wouldn't have made a good single, but I do really like it. It hints at the possibility of Nick pursuing some music beyond the world of straight-up pop power ballads. Of course, it still deals with him being torn apart because of a relationship and it's still ballad-ish, even if mid-tempo, as so many of his songs do and are. A little guitar-y, it's not pop-rock, though he could pursue that route if he wanted to--his voice has a tone that would probably work for that style--but, much as I love pop-rock, I sort of hope he doesn't. Guitars, as used here, would be fine, but there are already a plethora of guitar-y pop artists around; I'd sort of like to have another more "pop" artist. I don't necessarily mean what people associate "pure pop" with--I'm not saying I want him to release Steps-esque music--but to have an artist who really is just pop (maybe a little one man boy band)? I think there's a vacancy there, especially in the U.S.; I'm not sure if the market exists, but I'd like to have an artist who isn't afraid to find out, and I'm willing to accept that Nick Lachey may never be making music like Darin's "Step Up," may always find his voice lends itself most towards songs with a little bit of ballad in their cores, in order to get that.
"Alone" is a bonus track on the UK version of Nick Lachey's album What's Left Of Me; you can buy the UK edition here (physical) or here (digital).
(P.S. This isn't necessarily the best picture of Nick Lachey, but it just so perfectly summed up the image he was going for--almost to the point of causing me to laugh--that I had to use it. I mean, about blatant.)
(P.P.S. There is something I very deliberately avoided mentioning here.)
Next up: I'm leaving for the weekend, but I think I can sneak in a post tomorrow morning and I should probably be back on Monday; there probably won't be any post on Saturday, though. As for singers...maybe an Australian one?
Just watch out, here I go
So, who'll be performing with Alcazar at G-A-Y and potentially continuing on with them if it all goes well? Lina Hedlund! I don't know that much about her, only that she competed in Melodifestivalen 2002 (with her sister, who is married to Martin Stenmarck; they made it to the finals and took ninth) and Melodifestivalen 2003 (by herself; she made it to the second chance round, where she took fourth). Here's her Melodifestivalen 2003 performance with the song "Nothing Can Stop Me."
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I'm right behind your shoulder, wishing I was bolder

Wake Up (Ola Salo & Jens Anderson Remix)--I was talking about cute electronic beats yesterday, and this song has them aplenty; synthesizers rarely sound as adorable as they do here. "Wake Up" didn't necessarily need a remix, but I'm glad it got this one, because it just makes it all the catchier, something I didn't think was possible. With co-remixing duties performed by the lead singer of the Ark, this version of the song is less bleepy than the original; if you ever wished it had a little more of a flowing melody, this remix will fulfill your desire. Upbeat, cute, catchy--what more could you want in a song?
You can buy the EP from which this remix comes here (digital) or the album Boylife here (physical) or here (digital). The album is also available on iTunes in all countries.
Also on the Swedish front, we can expect a new September album this September, according to her official site.
Enrique Iglesias just got done performing on So You Think You Can Dance. I was literally cheering the first time they announced he was going to sing, but when they said he was doing "Somebody's Me," that instantly switched to boos. I mean, you've got some fantastic songs on the album, but I would not say "Somebody's Me" is one of the best ones by any stretch. Plus, you're singing a ballad on a dance show. And not even a dynamic one! Sheesh.
Next up: maybe the other indie Swedish male electro-pop duo I've been meaning to write about for forever. Or maybe not.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I can see you really got a crush on me

Sumthin' Serious--sure, there's rapping, but it's basically comedy rapping. And sure, the chorus has the female singer doing her best to rip off Gwen Stefani, especially in the post-chorus (is there a proper term for that?), where she starts spelling--but this is such a cute song! Poppy electronic beats, like if bubblegum pop incorporated a little rap and a little electro, make up most of the music, and I'm always up for cute synthesizers. Even if it is derivative, it still manages to sound fresh (though possibly that's more a reflection of the template it comes from not being exhausted yet and still sounding different from most of what we hear on the radio). Some people will find it annoying. I think it's adorable (though I could do with less of the rapping and they could've thought of a better way to end the song; it fades out at a point where it feels like it should keep going).
To buy the Audio Club's debut single "Sumthin' Serious," go here (physical) or here (digital). It's also available in iTunes stores around the world.
Next up: maybe an Australian singer.
These are the hands we're given
Apparently the woman who will be joining Andreas and Tess for their performance as Alcazar at G-A-Y is an established Swedish artist. I wonder who it could be...
Apparently the woman who will be joining Andreas and Tess for their performance as Alcazar at G-A-Y is an established Swedish artist. I wonder who it could be...
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Sólo con verte devuelves a la vida lo que era muerte
Stop everything.
This news is three weeks old, but I only just heard it.
Do you know what we can expect around October?
A new D'Nash album!
Capaz de todo is still the best straight up boy band album I've heard in ages and one of the most fun albums I own to listen to, so suffice to say I'm very excited, even if trying to keep down my expectations.
(News from here, via PubliSpain.)
Edit: by the way, Mikel recently committed the greatest crime against popstar hair since Anthony Callea went practically bald--I won't blind you with pictures, but suffice to say that the guy who before really couldn't take a bad picture now looks like he's straight out of a bad '90's boy band. Not that he's always had the greatest haircuts before, but really, this has to be the worst it's ever been.
This news is three weeks old, but I only just heard it.
Do you know what we can expect around October?
A new D'Nash album!
Capaz de todo is still the best straight up boy band album I've heard in ages and one of the most fun albums I own to listen to, so suffice to say I'm very excited, even if trying to keep down my expectations.
(News from here, via PubliSpain.)
Edit: by the way, Mikel recently committed the greatest crime against popstar hair since Anthony Callea went practically bald--I won't blind you with pictures, but suffice to say that the guy who before really couldn't take a bad picture now looks like he's straight out of a bad '90's boy band. Not that he's always had the greatest haircuts before, but really, this has to be the worst it's ever been.
Facile per te decidere rubarmi l'anima e poi fuggire
Oh, no...
I've been in major love with Paolo Meneguzzi's music ever since Pinkie wrote about him a while ago. Pinkie singled out the track "Ti Amo Ti Odio" in particular, and he was so right to do so--it's a fantastic pop song, catchy and sad at the same time...and, well, really, it has everything I could want in a song. It seems Paolo or his record company must agree with Pinkie, because it's the latest single from Paolo's album Musica.
it's got a horrible music video to go with it. I'll link to it--you can watch it here--but it's definitely not the way to be introduced to the song. Since I'm convinced everyone should hear it, though, here's one of those random fan-made videos with the song as audio.
(It's not actually five minutes long--there's just a lot of silence at the end of the video.)
Now, go download the song from A Kind Of Love In.
And, to make up for the lack of good video clip, here's the video for one of Paolo's earlier hits, "Vero Falso."
While we're discussing random news, Mexican pop group Belanova have the lead single for their new album, Fantasía Pop, out; it's called "Baila mi corazón." It's not quite as amazing as "Niño," but it's not bad, and they're a group worth paying attention to; if they were singing in English, they'd probably have much of the pop blogging world praising them. I haven't seen an official video for it yet, but you can listen to the audio via this fan photo montage.
I've been in major love with Paolo Meneguzzi's music ever since Pinkie wrote about him a while ago. Pinkie singled out the track "Ti Amo Ti Odio" in particular, and he was so right to do so--it's a fantastic pop song, catchy and sad at the same time...and, well, really, it has everything I could want in a song. It seems Paolo or his record company must agree with Pinkie, because it's the latest single from Paolo's album Musica.
it's got a horrible music video to go with it. I'll link to it--you can watch it here--but it's definitely not the way to be introduced to the song. Since I'm convinced everyone should hear it, though, here's one of those random fan-made videos with the song as audio.
(It's not actually five minutes long--there's just a lot of silence at the end of the video.)
Now, go download the song from A Kind Of Love In.
And, to make up for the lack of good video clip, here's the video for one of Paolo's earlier hits, "Vero Falso."
While we're discussing random news, Mexican pop group Belanova have the lead single for their new album, Fantasía Pop, out; it's called "Baila mi corazón." It's not quite as amazing as "Niño," but it's not bad, and they're a group worth paying attention to; if they were singing in English, they'd probably have much of the pop blogging world praising them. I haven't seen an official video for it yet, but you can listen to the audio via this fan photo montage.
Don't look back

So, if I'm disappointed, why am I sharing it? Even a subpar Da Buzz single makes for a good fun pop song. "Baby Listen To Me" would make a more than respectable album track and even an enjoyable listen on the radio; it just doesn't compare to, say, "Without Breaking," "Dangerous," or "Let Me Love You."
Baby, Listen To Me--I think my main problem is that this song isn't as hard-hitting as I would like. It's not as if I think Da Buzz are only good in dance stormer mode (I love "Stop! Look! Listen!"), but this song is in the same vein as their dance tracks without actually being as strong as them. That said, it's already grown on me a good deal in the time I've been listening to it, so I'm hoping it will continue to do so; don't be surprised if I'm saying I love it soon. As is true for most Da Buzz songs, it's catchy, poppy, and danceable. At first, the "nah nah nah nah nah hey"s seemed sort of like a cop-out, a weakness--"we don't know what else to say, so let's just throw in some of these"--but I like them now. In fact, as I listen to the song while typing this up, I keep wanting to take back any criticism I might have of it...but then thoughts of the power of the aforementioned tracks slip back into my mind. I guess maybe the best way to say it is this: in the world of pop, it's a good song, but it's not going to be challenging for the title of Da Buzz's best single anytime soon.
I'm not sure where you can buy "Baby Listen To Me" (which I've seen elsewhere referred to as just "Listen To Me"), but you can buy Da Buzz's most recent single in Sweden, "Take All My Love," here (physical) or here (digital). Their albums are available in iTunes stores around the world and if you don't know any of their previous work, I definitely recommend picking up some other songs (albums, really) by them.
Next up: an American duo.
Now there's no reply, only hi, goodbye
I've been meaning to say something for days or weeks now, but let's take a moment to mourn the passing of two excellent blogs, HotStuff Files and Slippy Disco Days. Both were well-written, brought a special perspective to the world of pop, and will definitely be missed.
Thanks to the authors all the time you put into them!
Thanks to the authors all the time you put into them!
Monday, July 16, 2007
I don't have a heart for you right now
We all like Jessica Folcker, yes? And we all like catchy upbeat dance-pop remixes, yes?
Then run over to Tip Top Pop this moment and grab the Jonathan Peters mix of Jessica Folcker's "To Be Able To Love." It is 8 minutes long, but it's worth it! The opening is sort of dark, edgy, beat heavy, and good, but wait 'til you get to that chorus...
(Wikipedia says the song in this remixed version became a club hit in the U.S., and it would definitely deserve to have done so, so a lot of people probably already know this version, but it's new to me.)
Then run over to Tip Top Pop this moment and grab the Jonathan Peters mix of Jessica Folcker's "To Be Able To Love." It is 8 minutes long, but it's worth it! The opening is sort of dark, edgy, beat heavy, and good, but wait 'til you get to that chorus...
(Wikipedia says the song in this remixed version became a club hit in the U.S., and it would definitely deserve to have done so, so a lot of people probably already know this version, but it's new to me.)
We used to be so high above

Stranded Love--maybe not quite as "sophisticated" as some of their other work, but something draws me to it--maybe its exuberance? It's one of those songs that just makes me want to jump up and down in my room, shouting along with the chorus, each time it comes on. Maybe it was just the most instant? It's the preview for this song that convinced me to buy the album, and I'm hoping that might turn out to be true for other people. Smart and stylish but fun, punchy, full of synths, and incredibly catchy, it's also been road-tested and -approved, so even if you don't feel comfortable singing along in front of everyone in the house, you can still sneak in your "shower singing" in the car...could be a little dangerous if you start getting the urge to dance, air guitar, or air drum, though!
To buy Melody Club's first album, Music Machine, go here (physical) or here (digital). It's also available on iTunes in all countries. Their albums are just generally excellent in every way, so I definitely strongly recommend picking them up--as I said, the song I posted today wasn't even a single, and I can't even say that's a crime, because their albums are packed full of potential singles. I'll never understand why they aren't huge everywhere.
Next up: maybe a Czech singer.
There's something 'bout you that makes me want to step up
Though I feel like I've been commenting on it all over the Internet, I don't think I've actually mentioned Shayne Ward's upcoming new album here on this blog. I think Shayne has the potential to be a fantastic popstar (by which I mainly mean do fantastic music). Given the buzz leading up to it, I was expecting the lead single for his new album to be some danceable pop-club style track, maybe something like Darin's "Step Up," so I was really surprised when I first heard it--"If That's OK With You" is reggae-pop-lite, but, after not being so sure about it at first (I had really high hopes), I've come to really enjoy's great! Plus, it looks like we'll still get that club-style song; an early review of some of the album tracks mentions what must be the song everyone thought would be the lead single, "You Make Me Wish," and it sounds very promising--it's described as an "electro-R&B club banger....Over marching band drum rolls and propulsive synth washes, Shayne coos 'you make me wish I didn’t have a girlfriend.'" Fingers crossed it's not a let down.
Anyway, with the video for "If That's OK With You" having just debuted, now's a good a time as any to take a listen to the song. It comes out August 19, with the album expected in October.
Anyway, with the video for "If That's OK With You" having just debuted, now's a good a time as any to take a listen to the song. It comes out August 19, with the album expected in October.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
I lose my mind in a fantasy

I still don't know any good Internet stores from which to buy Russian music (I'd love recommendations!), so I rely on eBay for my Russian music; you can buy Sergey Lazarev's album TV show from there. It's also available from Amazon's Marketplace.
Next up: maybe a Swedish singer.
Edited in because it never gets old: the video for "Fake."
Despite (because of?) all the water pouring down over scantily clad women, it's sort of like the video equivalent of the cover of Danny's Heart.Beats, no?
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Is there anyone too blind to open their eyes?
A Busted update (a.k.a. news I've been meaning to mention for a while that happens to all relate to the former members of one of the greatest music groups ever):
Matt Willis has been dropped/he and his label "both felt we had reached a point where we could no longer move forwards." Given that Matt released some of the best music of last year ("Up All Night") and this year (his cover of "Crash," which I've now upgraded to the definitive version), I'm pretty sad about this :(
A message on their MySpace page made it seem like Son of Dork, James Bourne's current band, were breaking up. Quote from one member, Dave:
"Im writing this blog to inform y'all that Son Of Dork are no more."
In response, James, who claims the group is still together but now without Dave, set up a new MySpace (ooo, you know it's serious!) and left the message that "SOD have NOT split up, Dave had left the band as off yesterday."
Back over on the original Son Of Dork MySpace, Dave left a message that said, among other things, the following:
Ive always told you guys the truth and have continuously left blogs explaining the position the band are in, and must say I find it quite funny that all of a sudden I'm the bad guy for telling the truth. I left a post saying the band had split because of the following reasons, but below is all im saying and will say on the matter, so make of it what you will.
If Son Of Dork are still going then good luck to them, i honestly wish them all the best. Last time i checked though, we/they havent practiced for nearly 5 months, havent spoken to each other properly in about the same time and have absolutely nothing scheduled as far as future plans go. I dont know about you other musicians out there, but i wouldnt consider that a band.
Also, ask yourself the following things:
1. Who cancelled the tour you were promised behind their bands' back?
2. Who cancelled the headlining show at the Xuberance festival behind their bands' back?
3. Who promised you a second album but was so busy spending time in other countries that nothing ever came of it?
Everyones entitled to their opinion, and i don't blame you guys for taking your angers and frustrations out on me, hell i've been just as angry and frustrated. But if you wish to follow your false hero blindly then thats your journey, i just hope it takes you somewhere better than it did me. I'm sorry for sounding personal and a little bitter but i just wished to clear that up the best i could.
Whatever's going on, now is a good a time as any to mention that, in addition to having two great singles and a pretty decent album, Son of Dork's song for the movie Alien Autopsy, "We're Not Alone" (from last year) is absolutely fantastic--everyone should go listen to it right now, because pop with strong guitars doesn't get much better than it (random fan video with the song's audio here).
So, on to Charlie: what's the only member of Busted doing music I have no interest in doing at the moment, while the other two with music I actually like crash and burn? Well, releasing his band Fightstar's album in the U.S., of course. Though I don't expect them to do anything in the mainstream over here, I even heard one of their songs on the radio :-/
(P.S. Apologies for any similarities between this post and Chart Rigger's style--I couldn't think of another way to get across the back-and-forth nature of the Son of Dork thing without quotations.)

"Im writing this blog to inform y'all that Son Of Dork are no more."
In response, James, who claims the group is still together but now without Dave, set up a new MySpace (ooo, you know it's serious!) and left the message that "SOD have NOT split up, Dave had left the band as off yesterday."
Back over on the original Son Of Dork MySpace, Dave left a message that said, among other things, the following:
Ive always told you guys the truth and have continuously left blogs explaining the position the band are in, and must say I find it quite funny that all of a sudden I'm the bad guy for telling the truth. I left a post saying the band had split because of the following reasons, but below is all im saying and will say on the matter, so make of it what you will.
If Son Of Dork are still going then good luck to them, i honestly wish them all the best. Last time i checked though, we/they havent practiced for nearly 5 months, havent spoken to each other properly in about the same time and have absolutely nothing scheduled as far as future plans go. I dont know about you other musicians out there, but i wouldnt consider that a band.
Also, ask yourself the following things:
1. Who cancelled the tour you were promised behind their bands' back?
2. Who cancelled the headlining show at the Xuberance festival behind their bands' back?
3. Who promised you a second album but was so busy spending time in other countries that nothing ever came of it?
Everyones entitled to their opinion, and i don't blame you guys for taking your angers and frustrations out on me, hell i've been just as angry and frustrated. But if you wish to follow your false hero blindly then thats your journey, i just hope it takes you somewhere better than it did me. I'm sorry for sounding personal and a little bitter but i just wished to clear that up the best i could.
Whatever's going on, now is a good a time as any to mention that, in addition to having two great singles and a pretty decent album, Son of Dork's song for the movie Alien Autopsy, "We're Not Alone" (from last year) is absolutely fantastic--everyone should go listen to it right now, because pop with strong guitars doesn't get much better than it (random fan video with the song's audio here).

(P.S. Apologies for any similarities between this post and Chart Rigger's style--I couldn't think of another way to get across the back-and-forth nature of the Son of Dork thing without quotations.)
Keep my kisses off your lipstick, stop me swallowing your charms
Keep Me A Secret--why do I love this song so much? I don't think I can say. From the very first second, the music is perfect, written and produced flawlessly--the right musical squiggle here, the right squiggle there. There's just an undefinable magic around the song (something I'd also say when attempting to get across my love of Darius's best songs). It shows a sophistication in music creation to create a song so perfect and that manages to be completely poppy while not at all being what you'd probably first think of when you hear "poppy," but it's not a pretentious sort of sophistication at all--just the sort that leads to brilliant songs. It's almost like a new subgenre of pop, but one that's so unassuming and never given the chance to develop fully that I don't think I can truly describe its characteristics. For lack of a better phrase, "Keep Me A Secret" shows exactly what "singer-songwriter pop" should sound like by not sounding at all what we've come to associate the term "singer-songwriter" with. Compare this to, say, any John Mayer single--"Keep Me A Secret" just feels so much more...alive.
To buy Ainslie Henderson's debut single "Keep Me A Secret" (it has two b-sides, including the great "Take Out Time"), go here (physical) or here (digital).
Next up: maybe a Swedish singer.
Friday, July 13, 2007
I loved you from the very start, even though I knew you would break my heart

Love Is Wicked--infinitely better than "Never Never" or really anything else I've heard by them, though, to be fair, I haven't heard much else. Faint whistling effects and handclaps, reggae or maybe dancehall influence (though don't expect a dance song like Kat DeLuna's "Whine Up" or even something as in-your-face as "Pon De Replay"), a sweet voice and a deeper sing-talking voice--they all add up to a somewhat hypnotizing track. It's not the sort of song that's sounds like it's out to change the world, but it's deceptively clever--clever in its simplicity. It's actually surprisingly sweet, in a way, even if sad as well. And, though it's got it's R&B influences and that's probably the radio it'll be aimed at, it's very pop as well.
Brick & Lace's debut album isn't out yet, but you can buy their single "Love Is Wicked" from iTunes in some countries; for example, if you live in the U.S., go here.
Next up: maybe a British singer.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
I try my hardest to break free
To buy Linda Kiraly's debut U.S. single "Can't Let Go," visit iTunes, but it's only available in some countries; for example, if you live in the U.S., go here. Incidentally, the other songs on her MySpace don't give me much hope for the album itself (unless they're from her previous album), but I love this single. The album it's from will be out this fall.
Since this is a new single, it'll only be uploaded for a little while.
Next up: maybe I'll finally get around to that Swedish duo I've been meaning to write about for months.
(I know I've said it already, but can we just take another moment to appreciate the production on "Can't Let Go"? It's divine.)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
So now you know-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
I love the Click Five. Love love love them. Don't let my reservations about their latest album fool you: I have all the good will in the world for them, love them, love their music--hearing "Jenny" on the radio for the first (and so far only) time caused me to completely flip out and increased my enjoyment of the song exponentially.
I saw the music video for "Jenny" for the first time on TV today (I've seen it before via YouTube) and got incredibly excited all over again, though I expect it to do absolutely nothing.
As I mentioned over at The Zapping, it's nice to see they've reconciled themselves to having to rely on the Asian market. Sigh. As long as they release their music somewhere.
Anyhow, I've maintained for a while now that the marketing behind this album has completely baffled me--maybe when you have lower expectations, you go about marketing differently, but I'm used to the "release a single that gets some buzz behind it before releasing the album" model, so to release an album when the song was being played on virtually no radio stations and especially when the music video wasn't even out yet seemed really strange. Poor planning.
And, well? Excited as I was to see the video on TV, I couldn't help but notice as it faded off the screen what the album it came from was listed as:
"Modern Rhymes and Pastimes"
Now, I'll freely admit that I've gotten the name wrong before--I often call it Modern Times and Pastimes (it's actually Modern Minds and Pastimes), but I'm not promoting them on national television.
I love the Click Five. Love love love them. Don't let my reservations about their latest album fool you: I have all the good will in the world for them, love them, love their music--hearing "Jenny" on the radio for the first (and so far only) time caused me to completely flip out and increased my enjoyment of the song exponentially.
I saw the music video for "Jenny" for the first time on TV today (I've seen it before via YouTube) and got incredibly excited all over again, though I expect it to do absolutely nothing.
As I mentioned over at The Zapping, it's nice to see they've reconciled themselves to having to rely on the Asian market. Sigh. As long as they release their music somewhere.
Anyhow, I've maintained for a while now that the marketing behind this album has completely baffled me--maybe when you have lower expectations, you go about marketing differently, but I'm used to the "release a single that gets some buzz behind it before releasing the album" model, so to release an album when the song was being played on virtually no radio stations and especially when the music video wasn't even out yet seemed really strange. Poor planning.
And, well? Excited as I was to see the video on TV, I couldn't help but notice as it faded off the screen what the album it came from was listed as:
"Modern Rhymes and Pastimes"
Now, I'll freely admit that I've gotten the name wrong before--I often call it Modern Times and Pastimes (it's actually Modern Minds and Pastimes), but I'm not promoting them on national television.
T-t-t-trust me

Story Of A Star
Contrary to what you might think from the first minute, it's not an all instrumental song, but that instrumental opening is one of the most exciting bits of music I've heard this year; for that first minute alone, the song would be worth sharing.
To buy Ultra Mega Technobandið Stefán's single "Story Of A Star," go here (digital). You can visit their MySpace to hear more songs by them.
By the way, I used the above picture partly because it does a good job of conveying the lead singer, but mainly because I wanted to attempt to at least slightly conceal something until people listened to the music (though I think it's still obvious even there): how young the band is. Apparently all the members are between 16 and 19, with the lead singer himself
Next up: maybe a Swedish duo.
(Edit: forgot to mention--is it just me, or does the picture have him looking Soft Cell/Marc Almond-esque?)
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