...I almost fell over...'s the same song as the new Nylon single!
"Holiday"--same song, released by both artists about the same time (Nylon's was first)...
...that just seems so strange to me, for some reason. Her new album will come out this summer, apparently.
While I'm reporting random music news, there's a new Jesse McCartney album due out October this year--wow, that was fast. Of course, apparently most people didn't notice the second album happened, which is sort of a shame, if for no other reason than "Daddy's Little Girl" and "Running Away."
What should we expect?
"I'm going for Prince chords, Michael [Jackson] melodies, and the bigness of Madonna--fun '80's stuff."
I'd take that with a whole saltshaker full of salt--just about any pop artist searching for credibility is going to namedrop those artists. Still, I'll be paying sort-of-attention. I don't necessarily expect an album full of great songs, but a really good song or two? A definite possibility.
i've been listening to daddy's little girl a lot lately. great song. I think Jesse could do with going the maroon 5 route on his new album ~ a bit of funky pop disco. I hear ryan cabrera is releasing a greatest hits :/
A greatest hits? Are you kidding me? He's only had two real albums! And only two, maybe barely three songs with any sort of commercial success!
"Funky pop disco" would be great! Maybe he and Blake can compete to be the one man Maroon 5 (with some differences, of course) ;)
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