365--this is really pretty catchy, though, since it's not in English, it might take you a few listens to get used to. It knows when to sprinkle in a dose of "stop-start" rhythm to keep you musically interested, throws in a few sirens for good measure. It's a good entry in the worldwide boy band catalogue, but it's also got a spin to it that doesn't really sound like what we'd get from, say, a U.S. or UK boy band, I think (watch this end up being a cover of some British boy band's song), though I guess I could imagine a German-but-singing-in-English boy band covering it--this version would probably be better, though; it just seems to suit the rhythm of the language better.
Neodoljivo--this is no world-changing song by any stretch, but the chorus is nicely catchy. The song is mid-tempo and I imagine it's supposed to be slightly edgy boy band in sound. There's some nice "ahhh"-ing in the vocals at various points.
I've never used a Croatian music store before, but you could consider using this one if you want to buy Saša, Tin i Kedžo's album Instant (they could also be listed under Saša, Tin & Kedžo or Saša Tin Kedžo, depending on the store).
Next up: Belanova, probably; I just want to get a feel for the album before writing about it.
yay! We are both covering slightly dodgy boybands today. It's like a disease :P
It's in the air!
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