Monday, July 12, 2010

I bet you've been here before

Darin's new single, "Lovekiller," comes out tomorrow, the same day he'll be performing it at Allsång på Skansen.

That is all.

Edit: and Darin's just uploaded the audio to his YouTube page:

Hmm...I'm only one listen in, but after being one of the few to think it had real potential based on the live performances, I think I was expecting better. The bridge and bells are fantastic, though, and I know me--once again, I'm sure I'll play it a bunch and upwardly revise my opinion in a few minutes.

(Also: Darin, release the photoshoot from Chic as proper promo pictures!)


Nick said...

Personally, I LOVE it! And I'm not the biggest fan of Darin, either. He's a bit hit or miss for me, but the production on this is great!

Poster Girl said...

The production is definitely great--it's a big part of why these recent songs of his have worked. I do really, really like the song now (see above)...

...but I haven't totally shaken the niggling feeling that I wish they'd tweaked the chorus melody a bit. I can't really articulate what's missing--it doesn't feel closed to me. I just keep thinking of all these great ballads (often boy band style), and something about their choruses just feels like here the topline melody is more complete. I'll probably get over it eventually.