Saturday, September 08, 2007

Sometimes things just ain't workin'

Apparently Anthony Callea, Nikki Webster, and Shane "Courtney Act" Jenek are all appearing in Rent together.

I have no idea what to begin to make of this.

On the other hand, it does put Anthony only a few steps away from releasing the dance pop album I've been clamoring for for ages--move on to Rent in the UK, work with its creators, and voila! Songs like "Wanna Be The One," "Into Your Heart," the Tim Dawes remix of "Rain," and his cover of "Angel"...only better, one can hope. I'd still rather have him work with whoever did the Reactor remix of Kate DeAraugo's "Faded" or the Jewels & Stone folks, who remixed Stephanie McIntosh's "Mistake"--they're both Australian! Or we could ship him off to Sweden and have him work with the von der Burgs (September and Danny, among others--listen to a megamix and be impressed at how many songs you love they've been associated with)! C'mon, let it happen...


Paul said...

antony could do with moving away from the ballads. Now that i've accepted his haircut, i'd like to see an album that pitches itself as the male version of Kylie's Light Years (e.g 90& ridiculously catchy dance pop). Interesting that he is gonna be in rent. Hmmm, never really appreciated that musical. Again (like Robyn and the new Darren Hayes album) it's one of those media darlings that seems to me you are told you have to love it and there is something wrong with you if you don't!! The movie was awful anyway!

Poster Girl said...

It's just so bizarre--and who he's starring with makes it even stranger! But yes, I agree--he needs to release an album like that! That would be amazing.