Tuesday, June 12, 2007

We can go for a ride

A little while ago, I said the two songs I was counting on to save the new Click Five album, if anything could save it (gosh, this is sounding awfully negative), were "Headlight Disco" and "Flipside." Well, guess which two songs the Click Five have chosen to reveal snippets of in the runup to their album?

Yup, "Headlight Disco" and "Flipside." Assuming you want to promote yourself with your best work, this has me worried. The two songs sound fine (if maybe a little cheap, but hopefully that's just a sound quality issue) and I'll probably end up loving them, but the fact that there weren't other better songs to showcase, that they (the Click Five, not the songs) didn't confound my expectations in any way by revealing some as-yet-unheard great song, has me worried about how much depth (number of good songs-wise) there will be on this album.

In terms of thoughts before albums come out, I'm often harshest on the artists I love most, so don't read too much into this. I'll probably adore the album once I get my hands on it, and the two songs they've posted, based on the clips, do sound good. I can't shake my worries, though...

(There's also a long description of the album on that page that I haven't bothered to read yet.)


Paul said...

Kidnap My Heart is ace. Jenny is only ok, these songs now have me seriously worried. Ack, I listened to the debut album today and was overcome with a sad feeling that it would be their best album ever. Maybe i will change my mind, but with this potential let down and Gareth Gates potential let down, I have all my hopes pinned on shayne ward...

D'luv said...

Even sadder is that this album is going to be left in the dust by the godawful new Kelly Clarkson one, which is out the same day.

Poster Girl said...

Don't get me wrong--I think those songs sound good--I just don't know if I can or should expect much more.

J'ason, I didn't even think of that! Not exactly a sign of confidence on the label's part, I guess. I haven't even bothered to listen to the new Kelly Clarkson album yet; I liked "Never Again," but it hasn't compelled me to look further and "Sober" didn't exactly sound promising.

Paul said...

ugh i can't even begin to be excited about Kelly Clarkson's album, which in effect does make me a little more excited for Click Five, though i suspect they won't outsell La Clarkson and her moody brand of poor me pop. Sigh.