Thursday, November 08, 2007

I've got to face the truth, 'cause this just ain't no good for me

JoJo's spawned more than her share of imitators; Katharine McPhee's (admittedly great) "Over It" was a pretty blatant to take advantage of the success of JoJo's "Too Little Too Late." Today's group seem to inevitably draw JoJo comparisons. Also on the "frequently heard about them front" is the "you mean that's more than one girl?" question, maybe more a reflection of the frequency of multitracking and playing with an artist's voice nowadays than necessarily a reflection on the three person group itself, though admittedly the girls don't sound all that different. I also refuse to refer to them by their sometimes-name of LAX Gurlz, which is just ridiculous-looking, and not in a good way, so we'll be sticking with their other name, LAX. Their debut single was released earlier did this year and promptly did nothing in the U.S.. There was still a little flurry of posts about them in blogworld, but I don't think I ever mentioned the song here at the time. LAX's MySpace has snippets of some other songs up, but none of them sounds as good as their lead single, the song I'm posting today (and most of them sound more urban-influenced).

Forget You--I'm not sure if this song would've fared better back in the days when the U.S. was a little more pop friendly--maybe it wouldn't have been the completely flop it was (well, it might have done OK on Radio Disney)--or if it's just not going to appeal to that many people beyond me. Midtempo and, yes, JoJo-sounding, "Forget You" is another one of those "I'm so over you" type songs, but I'd say the girls in LAX, despite singing "as hard as I may try, I can't forget you," sound closer to to being truly "over it" than Katharine McPhee does in her song (not better or worse, just a different, more attitude-filled style). It's also a completely pop song and pretty catchy--good for singing along to, at least.

Residents of the U.S. can buy LAX's single "Forget You" from iTunes.

Next up: maybe that Swedish duet--I'll get around to it eventually...probably.


Myfizzypop said...

oh i totally forgot about LAX but do vaguely recall hoping they had some success. This song is totally ace for singing along to and i have only heard it once. Strangely Darren just yelled at me, stop playing that bloody song again, which i take as a good sign of its incessant catchiness...

Poster Girl said...

Yeah, it is good for singing along to! Ha ha--sorry about getting you in trouble ;)

D'luv said...

These broads look like they've gotten their stilettos stuck in the ceiling on more than one occasion...

Love how they're named after the LA airport.