Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Oh father...

I am going straight to pop music hell for liking this, aren't I?

Plus, it's on American iTunes!

I'll probably end up posting it, too, so best to steel yourselves now.


Mike said...

Pop music hell? Girlfriend, please! That's the best thing I've seen in weeks. Tragic dance routine + slutty diva and appalling rapping = pop trash heaven!

D'luv said...

Yes, you are... but it'll burn so good.

Paul said...

like my priest once said "oh yes you are going to hell - but all the gays will be there so it will be like one big mardi gras!" And then winked. Was he coming on to me?

Anyway love the Deb Gibson Electric YOuth inspired dance moves at the beginning...

Adem With An E said...

Well I'll be coming to pop music hell with you then, that was an inspiring few minutes believe me.

Poster Girl said...

Hah! Well, at least if I end up there, it'll be entertaining! And I love how Pop Trash Addict managed to cut straight to the core of what makes it so great.