Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Går du omkring och tror jag är förtvivlad och bara tänker på dig?

New stuff from Linda Bengtzing!!!!!

*has a heart attack*

Well...before anyone else does, I should point out it's not new music or anything. Instead, it's a redesigned website. With the cover of her single for Melodifestivalen, "Hur svårt kan det va?" ("How difficult can it be?")...

...and of...


*has a second heart attack*

It's called Vild & Galen (Wild & Crazy) and it's due out March 19.

I. am. never. going. to. make. it.

Oh, and there's a news section about "Hur svårt kan det va?", too, saying that it will be physically released March 10, get radio and video release the same day. A video?! There are even pictures from the videoshoot (with short hair still, yes).

Anyway, I know we always knew there would be an album coming out, given the reports that her record company wouldn't let her release it unless she competed in Melodifestivalen, but I did warn you I was going to go completely over the top and ridiculous when new Linda stuff started coming up.

Also, it should be mentioned that, when discussing the album, there's a line about not wanting to fall too much in the pop or dansband direction (which we kind of already knew about her). "Hur svårt kan det va?" is schlager, though.

Also, Charlotte Perrelli's site has been redesigned, too (before Linda's, but seemingly by the same people), with a great backing picture, but no news to report, at least that I noticed--there's just got to be an album at some point, though! Have I really emphasized how incredibly excited I am for the fourth semifinal, with these two both in it (well, and others too, but more on that later)?

Oh, worthy of note if you're missing music from these two is that it looks like they've both got mp3 stores installed on their sites now--yes, mp3, not just protected WMA! Well done to the record company for that, at least. It is so nice to finally be able to buy "Jag är tillbaks" (which, truth, sounds so much better in proper quality, and it already sounded great on MySpace).


Robpop said...

Hi sweetie. I am actually at a loss with the multitude of Eurovision songs spinning around the moment!

Btw returning to a posting some days ago...I love Supernatural's album (Don't Pop Me Down is dreamy). But its all about Excellence! Each track on that album is catchy. My heart bounces when my ipod plays Kiss-A-Licious. Its just so delicious....

Poster Girl said...

Yes yes yes! I love that song so much that I've been looking for opportunities to incorporate that word into daily conversation...but living mainly with a bunch of guys right now, I don't think they would get it :( I may have to use it on the blog or something to get it out of my system. It just rolls off the tongue so perfectly--it's a perfect fit for that giddy sugar high of a song.

Alexander said...

I'm happy to inform you Charlotte's new album will be out in April, and she's working with some really NICE producers. You just wait.

Myfizzypop said...

Can i just say i am totally bewildered and lost by all this melodifestivalen stuff but i love reading about it here :)

Poster Girl said...

Fantastic! Thanks SO much for the news! :D I definitely can't wait.

Ha ha, I know, and I kind of go overboard with it too--thanks for not just staying away until May after Eurovision ends ;)

Yuяi said...

Yeah. What Paul said! I'm overwhelmed by all the entries and totally clueless on the process, but it's very cool reading about it here. Otherwise, I'd have no idea it was even going on. :)

Love reading about your enthusiasm over many of the bands. Good stuff!

Poster Girl said...

I know this blog really is getting taken over by all this...I do want to keep in mind people who're new to the whole thing, but I realize not everyone's going to be as "into it" as I am. I hope you'll end up finding a song you like from the whole months-long ordeal, though ;)