Can't Lose With You--as I think I've mentioned before, "Angel" is probably the best indication on the first album of the direction Heinz would take for this second album. Though thematically not similar, "Can't Lose With You" could be seen as Come Alive's "Angel" (though it gave no clue as to what the third album would sound like), but if it is, it also shows the growth in Heinz's material. When this song, the album's lead single, hit the radios, people were surprised that it could be Heinz singing it. One site I read jokingly suggested that Heinz must have gone off and taken singing lessons between the first and second albums and, although any young singer would be foolish not to work on improving their voice between albums, that just goes to show what a surprising comeback this was for Heinz. I'm not saying this is a particularly impressive (or demanding) vocal performance, but, listening to the song, you get the sense that Heinz had to really work to sing as well as he did for it. That sense of effort and struggle, though (even if only imagined on my part), only enhances the song, given its subject--it's like the boy who, in love with a girl, writes her a song and sings it in front of an audience in hopes of impressing her, desperate to do as well as he can. In real life, that situation would most likely be creepy or boring, but here, with a song this good, it works--it makes Heinz, or the character he's playing, more endearing. As for the song itself, it's basically just a simple acoustic guitar-based ballad--a pretty one, but one that probably shouldn't be as good as it is (though it's still nothing boundaries-shattering or life-changing). I think a lot of its appeal has to do with Heinz's delivery and tone; this could easily have been saccharine or dull, but it's not--instead, there's something achingly pretty about it.
(When I complained about Heinz's voice on the third album, it was somewhat related to this--it's not that he has a bad voice, just that it's better suited for certain types of songs than others, and for me, there are better male voices to accompany rock-out pop than his.)
To buy Heinz Winckler's second album, Come Alive, go here (physical). Incidentally, "Can't Lose With You" and "Drowning Me," another song on the album, make a perfect matched set, so, if you like this song, you might want to consider looking for the other.
Next up: something poppier, I think, or sort of dance-pop.
oh i so need to look into the music of henry further. not only he is a bit of a fox but you keep recommending him and i really need to take some time to examine him indepth. Which just sounds lovely!
Henry makes me go weak! PPG your banner has been done. Your Aeon Flux for now(wink) hope you like.
Henry makes me go weak! PPG your banner has been done. Your Aeon Flux for now(wink) hope you like.
Henry makes me go weak! PPG your banner has been done. Your Aeon Flux for now(wink) hope you like.
He's not an artist who's really revolutionary or who might stand out too much in the throngs of popstars nowadays, but he's worth a listen. Sort of like...I don't know...like if you got back from the glitz and glam of running around the city and seeing all the things to see, doing all the things to do...like after that, if you just wanted a moment to sort of breathe. Plus, I have this interest in South Africa, so he wins bonus points just for being from there.
Pinkie, I love it! It's brilliant! Love the pic and the title you chose...I'm going to have to post more just so I can see it again :)
Another great post!! You know how much I love Mr Wickler!! Haha!! As you say all 3 albums are different but they are all good in their own way!! Still love the opening lyric of Never Got Over You from the 1st album - 'If I quote you a line from a Miramax movie, would you unpack maybe come back to me.' This song is definitely one of the best on the 2nd album and have recently been listening to Moment Of Truth a lot - it wasn't as instant as the first 2 albums but now I am definitely hooked!!!!
I love that line! It's so adorable and really perfect. If you thought Moment of Truth wasn't as instant but are now hooked, I may have to go back and try listening to it again--I haven't done that in a while, and hopefully it will have grown on me!
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